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RICHARD JACKSON Senior Vice President, Operations Support, OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM

Richard Jackson is Senior Vice President, Operations Support, at Occidental Petroleum, where he leads the Regulatory, Land and Competitor Intelligence functions. He oversees Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary focused on low-carbon technology and business opportunities with an emphasis on developing carbon capture, utilization and storage projects that capitalize on Occidental’s enhanced oil recovery leadership.

With more than 20 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, Richard has significant expertise in worldwide oil and gas project development, technology and business management. His previous roles include Vice President, Investor Relations, President and General Manager for Permian Resources – Delaware Basin, and Vice President of Drilling Americas.

Richard serves on the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative’s Climate Investment Board and Executive Committee and on the American Petroleum’s Institute’s Upstream Committee. A graduate of Texas A&M University, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in PetroleumEngineering.