Samsonsite workshop: sustainable ideation

Samsonite strives to be known among key stakeholders as ‘the most sustainable luggage company’.

What would Samsonite have to do for you to both call it that and believe that? Please consider the competitive landscape and the global marketplace.

Specifically, identify and evaluate any whitespace within the industry and market, challenges to achieving potential sustainability targets, factors that would lend and/or destroy credibility of any sustainability claims, existing reputational opportunities to leverage or hurdles to overcome, expectations among key target audiences worldwide with a specific focus on Gen Z, millennials and women and others factors and considerations that may arise from your evaluation.

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MODERATOR: cheryl kiser

Executive Director, The Lewis Institute & Babson Social Innovation Lab

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speaker: Christine Riley miller

Director of Sustainability, Samsonite

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Moderator: emily weiner

Associate Director, The Lewis Institute & Babson Social Innovation Lab